Dear friend
I just wish I was an early riser because the Local Walks led by Steve Carberry on Monday mornings always appeal. Steve researches and explores Sydney’s history and many of his walks encompass some of the hidden, and not-so-hidden parts of our city close to home. You can find Steve’s itineraries on the Waverton Hub Facebook page, he posts them a couple of days before the walk. Steve leaves Waverton Station at 7.30 am.
This coming month we will be reminded of First Nations Culture and History with NAIDOC week.
Balls Head (named after Lieutenant Lidgbird Ball of the ship ‘Supply’) has some of the most significant Aboriginal sites in North Sydney. Did you know that in 1964 the Australian Museum discovered a skeleton of an Aboriginal female in a rock shelter? You may have seen the Aboriginal Fish Carving on a rock near the Coal Loader. It is wonderful to have the time to explore our city and our local area.
July is also the month when we get ready for the Hub’s AGM in August. We welcome our new members – I have met some Hubbers at events and look forward to getting to know more over the next few months. The Hub is run by volunteers so if you have time, maybe you are newly retired, and would like to offer your experience to the Hub please let one of us know (you will find the Board members on the Hub website).
Last Tuesday 25 June was our planned Croquet Fun Day at the Chatswood Croquet Club. Sadly we had to postpone the Fun until another day. The Croquet Fun will now take place on Tuesday 16 July from 1.00. We will spend two hours being shown the intricacies of the game of croquet by members of the club, and no doubt finding it is not as easy as it looks! We will catch the train to Chatswood, it is a very short walk from the station. Or you can drive. Details coming, Book with Trybooking to secure your place
Walking is a wonderful way to stay warm, as well as being very good for our health. If you can’t join one of the Hub’s walks I hope you will be able to explore some of our city in your own time.
We have never done a Silly Walk… any takers?
Happy hubbing,
Carol Fallows

Historic building in Pyrmont
as seen by the 7.30 Walkers

Your membership fees are now due. The renewal notice went out 9/6/24 electronically so please check your inbox or SPAM folders.
Fees are due 1 July 2024.
For the coming financial year (2024/25) The Hub Board has left the annual member fee at $40. For a full concession pensioner (not applicable for part pensions) it is $10.
Your membership fee for the Waverton Hub is due by 1 July 2024.
EFT the funds to:
BSB: 032 298
Account: 363 037
Please enter your NAME in the narrative field so that we can identify who the Member is.
You can drop off or post your cheque to 75 Bay Road, Waverton (Church Hall)
If however you do not wish to re-join, we would like to respect your privacy and not send any further notifications. Please let us know.
You can drop off a note at 75 Bay Road, Waverton (Church Hall).
Please keep details of your payment so that you do not accidentally pay twice (it does happen).

Term 3 Vacancies
There are a few vacancies in the following Classes;
Term 3 Strength & Balance 4 - Thursday
July 11, 2024, 4:00 pm to July 11, 2024, 5:00 pm Register:
Cost: $108 per Term
Location: Waverton Hall
Instructor : Gaynor
These classes are designed for seniors.
Bookings essential.
Class sizes limited. Subsidised by North Sydney Council and your Hub Membership. | |
Term 3 Strength & Balance 5 - Saturday
July 13, 2024, 9:00 am to July 13, 2024, 10:00 am Register:
Cost: $108 per Term
Location: Wondakiah
Instructor: Amelia
These classes are designed for seniors.
Bookings essential.
Class sizes limited. Subsidised by North Sydney Council and your Hub Membership.
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Next week's activities
Monday Local Walks
July 1, 2024, 7:30 am to July 1, 2024, 9:30 am
Meet at Waverton at 7.30am. Bring your Opal Card.
Click here.. to see details of this walk and photos from last week.
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Monday Out of Area Walk
July 1, 2024, 9:30 am to July 1, 2024, 2:00 pm Meet at Waverton at 9:30am. Bring your Opal Card and Mask.
A walk may start earlier if it is a long one. This will be advised by email a few days prior.
These walks are weather dependent and may not occur if the day is forecast to be hot or very wet.
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Cards & Games Day (1st Monday)
July 1, 2024, 1:30 pm to July 1, 2024, 3:30 pm On the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 1.30 -3.30 pm
We play Mah Jong, Scrabble and 500
There is a $5 cost to cover the cost of the Hall.
Some meet for lunch at 12noon at The Third Rail.
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1st Thursday Book Club
July 4, 2024, 4:00 pm to July 4, 2024, 6:00 pm THE BOOK CLUB
This is the First Thursday Book club, the Book Club
The book being discussed this month is All my Mothers by Joanna Glenn
CLICK HERE .. for the full list for this year.
Venue and details will be advised by email early next week.
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Hub Community Music (HUM)
July 4, 2024, 5:00 pm to July 4, 2024, 6:30 pm
HUM Singalong Group
Next meeting Thursday 4th of July 5.00 - 6.30 pm in the Function Room, Admiralty Place, Wondakiah
All welcome ... No musical knowledge required.
Please contact Nick Woodhams at if you'd like to come along so we can plan refreshments.
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Date for your diary
Speakers Program
July 9, 2024, 2:00 pm to July 9, 2024, 3:30 pm “Antic’s at the Airport” - Tuesday 09 July 2024 - Cheryl Cartwright
For twenty years Cheryl Cartwright taught Music in Secondary Schools. On retirement Cheryl went into tourism but found working with “free range adults” too frustrating. So in 2009, Cheryl began working two 4 hour shifts per week as a volunteer at the Airport both International & Domestic Terminals
Her talk is entitled “Antic’s at the Airport” which is the theme running through a collection of verses and stories about the many funny incidents that arise from the 100,000 travelers that pass through the Airport each day.
Come and listen to Cheryl at our Waverton Hub Speakers’ Presentation: 2pm at the Waverton Uniting Church Hall, 75 Bay Road, Waverton Tuesday 09 July 2024.
No need to book – free entry – all invited.
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Tai Chi / Qui Jong every Mon, Tue & Wed 8am in Brennan Park

Hub Happy Hour Wednesday 4.30pm at Bar Quattro
The Coffee Catchup Thursday 10am at Third Rail
Boules - Thursday 2.30pm on the Platform at the Coal Loader
CROWS NEST CENTRE - a support story
CLICK HERE .. to read about Tess who at 95 is being supported by the Crows Nest Centre
Waverton Precinct meeting
The next meeting of the Waverton precinct is Tuesday July 2 at 7.30pm at the Waverton Hall.
FREE, 7-week falls prevention program

Stepping On is a FREE, 7-week falls prevention program for adults aged 65 years and over, run by NSW Health. βIt teaches participants how to reduce their risk of falling, and maintain their independence.
One of our members has just attended one in Cammeray. As well as teaching stability exercises, it included speaker talks on visual problems in older adults, pedestrian safety, nutrition, home safety including how to set up an arrangement with emergency services to access the home if someone has had a fall, use of MyAgedCare, footwear, & managing medications.
The 2-hour sessions were lively & enjoyable.
Those who completed it are eligible for a further program, which is currently also free.
It’s excellent, & highly recommended.
There are currently spaces in the winter programs.
Contact and Booking details:
Virtual Care Service- NSLHD
1 Reserve Road, St Leonards, New South Wales 2065
1800 841 688
North Sydney Community Centre
Get Ready for our Open Day π
Saturday June 29 from10am to 2pm
Coal Loader - From Silvia
Breakky is coming!
You'll be pleased to know that From Silvia @ the Coal Loader will be serving breakfast from 1st July:
Monday and Tuesday 8am to 2:30pm
Saturday and Sunday 8am - 10am
Changes to parking meters

In July 2024, our parking meters will be upgraded to a new parking system and will no longer accept coins.
You will be able to pay for parking via several options:
- Credit/debit card
- PayStay app
- PayStay website
- PayStay Guest QR code
Coal Loader new event
Saturday July 6 Discover more about the Coal Loader
Learn the fascinating history of this ex-industrial and now state of the art Centre for Sustainability. See the hidden treasures, hear the stories and be inspired.
What to expect: Meet your volunteer guide outside the Genia McCaffery Centre (aka The Cottage). Look out for the A-frame sign. Tours last approximately 1 hour and are suitable for ages 12 to 112. All physical abilities are welcome. When: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
What to bring: BYO water bottle, a hat and wear sturdy walking shoes.
Cost: FREE Bookings are preferred, but walk-ins are welcome.
Our lovely volunteers give up their own time to lead these tours so please do feel free to give them a round of applause at the end!
Bookings requested, but walk-ins welcome
Fix-It Hub
After the success of the trial, North Sydney Council’s Fix-It Hub will continue to be rolled out over the coming year with workshops on the second Saturday of the month. The next one is;
- Saturday 10 August, 10:30am - 1pm
- Cost Free
- LocationThe Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability
2 Balls Head Drive, Waverton,
Bookings are essential. More details.
If you have something that needs attention this could be the place to take it - and you may save it from a Council Cleanup!

Warm regards,
The Hub eNews Team
For more details and the full list of Hub activities please visit the Hub website
Also the Calendar at
Problems accessing the website? email IT Help to ask for help.
To respond to anything in this eNews, use links provided in the eNews or the message button below.

Visit our Facebook page
Disclaimer:Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this eNews , The Waverton Hub Inc disclaims all liability (except for any liability which by law cannot be excluded), for any error, inaccuracy in, or omission from the information contained in this eNews or any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.