Dear friend
It might be Winter but there’s lots happening in the Hub.
Many were sad to say goodbye to Botanica last week as it was forced to close down. A Hub member who attended the Precinct meeting learned that there were major hygiene problems which were not resolved and the Railways terminated the lease. If these issues are resolved it is possible there will be another establishment in the same location only time (and no doubt a few $) will tell.
The new coffee morning at Third Rail was a huge success! Thanks to Chris Koh for the photo below – Thursday mornings at 10.00.
I am looking forward to Thursday’s walk (June 13) and a visit to the Mosman Rowers so I will miss coffee next week. This is a one-off as the Exhibition ‘The Forbes Street Collective’ which closes soon. Work by the Hub’s art teacher Janine Matthews is featured this year and this is a wonderful opportunity for a short walk, a ferry ride and lunch at the Rowers as well as a chance to see the art. See below to book for lunch.
History buffs won’t want to miss Tuesday’s Speaker. Entitled ‘William Bligh: Hero, villain or an accident waiting to happen’! Ian Burnett will enlighten us on Vice-Admiral William Bligh, who is best known for his part in Mutiny on the Bounty! Be at the Waverton Uniting Church Hall by 2.00. on June 11. This is a free event – and you are welcome to bring friends.
Last week I was on one of my many train trips when I encountered three people reading red jackets emblazoned with ‘Bateau Bay Croquet Club’ and holding croquet mallets. We got talking and I discovered there are croquet clubs all over Sydney and a few nearby. So I lost no time in contacting the Chatswood Croquet Club and the Hub will have their first Fun Day at this club on Tuesday June 25.
We are most grateful to the Chatswood Croquet Club who will provide instructors and the Club free of charge for this event.
You will need to register as there are limited numbers. More information below.
This could be the start of something big? Watch this youtube video
Hope to catch up with you at a Hub event – do make yourself known to me,
Croquet Fun Day
Sign up to the Hub’s Croquet Fun Day at the Chatswood Croquet Club.
The Club has three full sized lawns and will provide mallets, balls and hoops as well as instructors who will explain the rules and the sequence of play.
We will start at 10.30 and finish at 12.30. You need to wear joggers, comfy clothes which allow you to swing your arms and a shady hat if it is sunny.
You can drive to the Club – turn left off the Pacific Highway into Gordon Street, then almost immediately left into Hammond Ave. There is parking for 6-8 cars.
You can catch the train and walk – see map.
When: Tuesday 25 June from 10.30 to 12.30
Where: Chatswood Croquet Club 699A Pacific Highway, Chatswood

Coffee Catchup
The first Thursday coffee morning at The Third Rail got off to a roaring start. Indications are that it will be as well attended as the previous coffee mornings at the Botanica. Twenty-two attended with 2 possible new Hub members
Waverton (or nearby) Cafes
With the closure of Waterview and Botanica other cafes are open;
Le Coq and Fish
Coffee , Breakfast and Lunch,
From Friday the 7th of June they will be open for now on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 7.30am with a new menu.
Laurel Leaf Bistro (Phee Phi Pho Phum)
Now serving Vietnamese Street Food. Pop in for cosy Pho or text to order for delivery to your car out front. Open every Saturday night 5-8pm 0413877197 Phee Phi Pho Phum 67 Union St McMahons Point.

Speakers Program
June 11, 2024, 2:00 pm to June 11, 2024, 3:30 pm William Bligh - hero, villain, or an accident waiting to happen – 11 June 2024 – Ian Burnet
Come and hear Ian Burnet talk about Vice-Admiral William Bligh FRS. He was a British officer in the Royal Navy and a colonial administrator. He is best known for the mutiny on HMS Bounty, which occurred in 1789 when the ship was under his command.
Ian is the author of a number of books, including Spice Islands, which tells the History, Romance and Adventure of the spice trade from the Moluccas in Eastern Indonesia over a 2000 year period.
Come and listen to Ian at our Waverton Hub Speakers’ Presentation:
2pm at the Waverton Uniting Church Hall, 75 Bay Road, Waverton
Tuesday 11 June 2024.
No need to book – free entry – all invited. | |
Coffee Catchup (Thursday)
June 13, 2024, 10:00 am to June 13, 2024, 11:00 am Coffee Catchup every Thursday 10.00 to 11am at Third Rail
All welcome.
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Art and Lunch at Mosman Rowers
June 13, 2024, 10:15 am to June 13, 2024, 2:00 pm 13 June Waverton Hub Excursion to Mosman Rowers Club
to see an exhibition of work by emerging local artists – including Jan Matthews, who runs our art classes and to have lunch.
Those who want to combine this with a little walk:
Meet at Waverton Station at 10.15
10.23 train to Wynyard, walk to Circular Quay to get
11.00 am ferry to Cremorne Point. Walk around Cremorne Point and possibly to Mosman Bay. Come back to Rowers Club around 12 to see exhibition and have lunch. The walk is mainly flat and quite easy. It takes about 25 minutes.
Ferries from Cremorne Point to Circular Quay leave every half hour.
Those who want to go straight there:
There is plenty of parking around the Rowers Club (3 Centenary Drive) and Mosman Bay for those who would prefer to drive and meet us at the Rowers Club around 12.15. Let us know if you want a lift so we can co-ordinate drivers.
Here is the TryBooking link, if you would like to come. We need to book for lunch.
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2nd Thursday Book Hub
June 13, 2024, 4:30 pm to June 13, 2024, 6:00 pm THE BOOK HUB
This is the Second Thursday Book club, the Book Hub
The book being discussed this month is Bee Miles by Rose Ellis
CLICK HERE .. to see the full Book List
Venue details will be emailed during the week.
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Tai Chi / Qui Jong every Mon, Tue & Wed 8am in Brennan Park

Hub Happy Hour Wednesday 4.30pm at Bar Quattro
The Coffee Catchup Thursday 10am at Third Rail
Boules - Thursday 2.30pm on the Platform at the Coal Loader

Come & hear Professor Katharine Samaras explain Metabolic Health
11 June 2024
Professor Katharine Samaras will speak on metabolic health:
- What is it?
- What has it to do with body and brain ageing?
- What is all this fuss with fasting?
- What is time restricted eating and how is it different? What is the fuss with metformin and Ozempic about?
- What can I do to live longer, healthier and really give my children and grandchildren something to worry about?
Professor Samaras is a senior staff specialist in Endocrinology at St Vincent's Hospital and is a Professor of Medicine at UNSW. She heads her own laboratory in the Garvan Institute of Medicine, where she held an executive position as the Theme Leader in Healthy Ageing.
Her research interests are how metabolism contributes to ageing, particularly brain ageing, cognitive decline and dementia. She is the lead investigator for the MetMemory Study, a 3 year clinical trial repurposing the diabetes medication metformin to prevent cognitive decline, being run at the Garvan and garnering international interest.
The meeting will be held at Piato Restaurant 123 Blues Point Road, McMahons Point at 7:00 am. Breakfast is served during the talk.
Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
Ken Preshaw North Sydney Sunrise Rotary Club internet - mobile - 0411.109.158
Lifeline Connect operates at the
- Stanton Library in North Sydney (Tuesdays, 3pm to 7pm) and the
- Chatswood Library in Chatswood (Fridays, 1pm to 5pm).
Appointments are not necessary, but bookings can be made on the Lifeline website.

Warm regards,
The Hub eNews Team
For more details and the full list of Hub activities please visit the Hub website
Also the Calendar at
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