Dear friend
Happy new year! I hope you have had a happy and restful start to the New year and are ready for 2024.
The Hub is all about community. The Christmas Choir was a delightful way of showcasing the Hub to locals - and to finish a busy year. Now there’s The Case of the Reprieved Bookcase - a wonderful example of how our community can work together.
Plenty happening as you can see below - and if you are keen to be part of a class or group take the time to register now as places are limited.
The Monday walks have already started so watch your emails if you are keen. Thursdays walks will not start up again until February.
One of our new get-togethers for 2024 is the Balls Head Picnic. We know many enjoy getting together with others in the community for a chat and a catchup - so mark your diaries for Thursday February 1. More details below.
Other new activities are the Art Class and the Family History Group - see below.
I’m looking forward to catching up with many in the new year - please come up and say hello if we have not yet met.
Carol Fallows
The Case of the Reprieved Bookcase
Early in January, an alert member of the Hub noticed that Council had pasted a Notice of Removal on the bookcase outside Waverton Cellars - the unofficial street library. Within hours word had spread around the community that a popular place for collecting and leaving books was about to disappear. One of the first to write to the Mayor was Hubber, John Medcalf who was advised that the bookcase could stay while the matter was investigated. Posts on Facebook elicited comments from many in the community, including Hub members Vera and Peter, former Federal member, Trent Zimmerman and former mayor, Jilly Gibson.
Now John was fired up. He arranged with another Hub member to renovate the bookcase and discovered that Waverton Cellars was very supportive of the Street Library.
This was not the end of it. Next the Men’s Shed in Wollstonecraft came on board and have now measured up for a new custom-made bookcase which will meet all the safety concerns that were the reason for Notice of Removal.
A Happy Ending - and a wonderful story of our community coming together!

Fix-It Hub at Coal Loader
On the subject of repairing things North Sydney Council’s Fix-It Hub, a free repair workshop, is on again this Saturday 13th January at the Coal Loader. This is an opportunity to have your broken treasures repaired. To find out more follow this link - you need to book your place.
Balls Head Picnic
Your new President, Carol and Vice President, Barbara thought it would be fun to welcome the official start of our activities with a picnic at Ball’s Head Reserve. See more details below.
Weather Check: If it is wet and windy or horrible and hot - please check the Hub Facebook page for updates.
Thursdays Walks
These walks have been postponed to start in February. Walkers will receive an email when the first walk is announced. It will also be posted on the Facebook page.
The Hub has recently been advised by the Uniting Church that they have increased the hourly rent on the Hall. For this reason we are advising members that from January 1 2024 the costs of all classes will rise by $1 per session (about $10 - $12 per Term).
We regret having to do this but we do need to cover our costs and our charges remain very reasonable compared to similar classes offered elsewhere.
Please also note that from January 2024
- There are no changes to the class timetables and teachers
- Bookings are now open
- Everyone who enrols and attends the Classes must be a paid up member of the Hub.
- At beginning of the year all classes will be opened to all members. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis with no priority given to current classes.
- Initially only one Strength & Balance (S&B) class per person
- If there are class vacancies these will be advertised before the classes begin.
- We are planning to appoint a Contact member from each class for easier communication with the teacher, the class and the Hub.
Please note when BOOKING
- You will be asked to include your Phone Number and an Emergency Contact Number
- If you are booking for more than 1 person you will be asked to include their Name and Emergency Contact Number
- If booking for yourself you will need to put an 'X' in the box.
Please take special care when booking that you are booking for the Class you want
Please ONLY 1 S&B Class per person for now.

Cards & Games Day
January 15, 2024, 1:30 pm to January 15, 2024, 3:30 pm On the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 1.30 -3.30 pm
We play Mah Jong, Scrabble and 500
There is a $10 cost to cover the cost of the Hall. Increase due to increase in Hall cost.
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January 18, 2024, 4:00 pm to January 18, 2024, 5:30 pm Boules - starting time is 4:00pm - our summer time start - on the Platform at the Coal Loader.
New players welcome - an easy and enjoyable game to learn!
Everyone is welcome to come to play, watch or enjoy the view.
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The following Activites will start in the week of Monday January 29.
Monday Local Walks
January 29, 2024, 7:30 am to January 29, 2024, 9:30 am
Meet at Waverton at 7.30am. Bring your Opal Card.
Click here.. to see details of this walk and photos from last week.
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Out of Area Walk
January 29, 2024, 9:30 am to January 29, 2024, 2:00 pm Meet at Waverton at 9:30am. Bring your Opal Card and Mask.
Weather permitting this walk is to Tunks Park track, Northbridge.
A walk may start earlier if it is a long one. This will be advised by email a few days prior.
These walks are weather dependent and may not occur if the day is forecast to be hot or very wet.
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Strength & Balance 2 - Tuesday 10.30
January 30, 2024, 10:30 am to January 30, 2024, 11:30 am These classes are designed for seniors.
$99.00 per 11 week term. Bookings essential.
CLICK HERE .. to book.
Class sizes limited. Subsidised by North Sydney Council and your Hub Membership.
These classes are led by Gaynor at the Waverton Hall
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Strength & Balance 2 - Tuesday 4.00pm
January 30, 2024, 4:00 pm to January 30, 2024, 5:00 pm These classes are designed for seniors.
$99.00 per 11 week term. Bookings essential.
CLICK HERE .. to book
Class sizes limited. Subsidised by North Sydney Council and your Hub Membership
These classes are led by Amelia at the Waverton Hall | |
Strength & Balance 3 - Wednesday
January 31, 2024, 8:30 am to January 31, 2024, 9:30 am These classes are designed for seniors.
$99.00 per 11 week term. Bookings essential.
CLICK HERE .. to book,
Class sizes limited. Subsidised by North Sydney Council and your Hub Membership.
These classes are led by Gaynor at the Waverton Hall | |
Art Class - Painting
January 31, 2024, 10:00 am to January 31, 2024, 1:00 pm This 10 week term will be offered at the Mess Hall at the Coal Loader.
The cost is $350 for the 10 week Term.
This is a class using water and oil paints for people of all levels of experience.
Book and pay here
There will be 10 in the group. Once this is reached a Wait List will be established when you try to Book.
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Thank you to all who expressed interest in this Art class. That did not mean you are automatically registered in the class - your interest has enabled us to plan the classes. In order to be included you need to follow the link above and book.
Zumba Gold -Thursday
February 1, 2024, 9:30 am to February 1, 2024, 10:30 am This is a 11 week Term at a cost of $132.00. The class sizes are limited to 12 people.
Book and pay here
Click on Read more for more information.
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Art Class - Drawing
February 1, 2024, 10:30 am to February 1, 2024, 1:30 pm This 10 week term will be offered at the Waverton Hall, 75 Bay Rd.
The cost is $350 for the 10 week Term.
This class will involve drawing and sketching, both indoors and outside.
Book and pay here
When enrolments are completed, you will receive a “What to Bring” list.
There will be 10 in the group. Once this is reached a Wait List will be established when you try to Book.
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Thank you to all who expressed interest in this Art class. That did not mean you are automatically registered in the class - your interest has enabled us to plan the classes. In order to be included you need to follow the link above and book.
Strength & Balance 4 - Thursday
February 1, 2024, 4:00 pm to February 1, 2024, 5:00 pm These classes are designed for seniors.
$99.00 for a 11 week Term. Bookings essential.
CLICK HERE .. to book..
Class sizes limited. Subsidised by North Sydney Council and your Hub Membership.
These classes are led by Gaynor at the Waverton Hall | |
Waverton Picnic
February 1, 2024, 5:30 pm to February 1, 2024, 8:00 pm Waverton Picnic
Ball’s Head is a popular spot with a great view and amenities - parking and toilets - close by. There are three tables there, but please bring folding tables and chairs, if you have them. There are also gas barbecues which we will be able to use unless there is a fire ban.
It’s Bring Your Own Picnic. If you are coming with friends we suggest coordinating your food and drink.
Access is by car – and we will ensure that those with cars provide lifts for those without.
Date: Thursday 1 February,
Time: 5.30pm
Location: Picnic spot on top of Balls Head Drive – on left, just past public toilets
BYO picnic
What you can do: A) if you need a lift OR B) If you are happy to provide a lift to others.
Please email wavertonhub@gmail
Weather Check:
The weather forecast looks good with a slight breeze in the afternoon.
Please check the Hub Facebook page or your email for updates should this change.
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February 2, 2024, 7:30 am to February 2, 2024, 8:30 am Everybody, from teens to seniors, needs to move!
Why? To keep your posture, balance, and prevent injury by improving your strength.
How? By working with small muscles groups throughout your body, help you breath trough the movements and to be more aware of your body and soul.
Pilates is a low-impact workout that also works your core strength without overloading or stressing your joints.
Book and pay here
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Stretch and Tone
February 2, 2024, 8:30 am to February 2, 2024, 9:30 am This class is particularly suited to those who would like to maintain flexibility and muscle tone.
Suitable for all fitness levels.
Book and Pay here | |
Zumba Gold - Friday
February 2, 2024, 10:30 am to February 2, 2024, 11:30 am This is a 10 week Term at a cost of $120.00. The class sizes are limited to 12 people.
Book and pay here
Click on Read more for more information.
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Iyengar Yoga - General Saturday
February 3, 2024, 8:00 am to February 3, 2024, 9:30 am Iyengar yoga tailored to match individual levels of fitness. “General level” class.
This class will be offered at the Waverton Hall, 75 Bay Rd.
$25.00 per class. BYO mat (if you have one); other equipment supplied.
Book directly with Kirsten 0420 456 550.
Kirsten is a highly qualified & experienced teacher.
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Strength & Balance 5 - Saturday
February 3, 2024, 9:00 am to February 3, 2024, 10:00 am These classes are designed for seniors.
$99.00 for a 11 week Term. Bookings essential.
CLICK HERE .. to book.
Class sizes limited. Subsidised by North Sydney Council and your Hub Membership.
These classes are led by Amelia.
Location: Admiralty Room near Wondakiah office. Parking: Gas Works Rd.
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Family History
February 5, 2024, 7:00 pm to February 5, 2024, 9:00 pm The Sessions will be held monthly in a Private Home in Wollstonecraft. This is an apartment with stairs and a lift
Kristine will co-ordinate the sessions and she will send the address on enrolment.
There is no cost.
CLICK HERE .. to enrol.
There will be 10 in the group. Once this is reached a Wait List will be established when you try to enrol.
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Iyengar Yoga - General Wednesday
February 7, 2024, 10:00 am to February 7, 2024, 11:15 am Iyengar yoga tailored to match individual levels of fitness. “General level” class.
This class will be offered at the Waverton Hall, 75 Bay Rd.
$25.00 per class. BYO mat (if you have one); other equipment supplied.
Book directly with Kirsten 0420 456 550. Kirsten is a highly qualified & experienced teacher.
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Iyengar Yoga - Gentle Wednesday
February 7, 2024, 11:30 am to February 7, 2024, 12:45 pm Iyengar yoga tailored to match individual levels of fitness. “Gentle level” class for beginners, restorative, recuperative.
This class will be offered at the Waverton Hall, 75 Bay Rd.
$25.00 per class. BYO mat (if you have one); other equipment supplied.
Book directly with Kirsten 0420 456 550. Kirsten is a highly qualified & experienced teacher.
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Tai Chi / Qui Jong every Mon, Tue & Wed 8am in Brennan Park,
The Coffee Catchup Tuesday 10am at Botanica

Hub Happy Hour Wednesday 4.30pm at Cafe Quattro
Boules - Thursday 4.00pm on the Platform at the Coal Loader

2023 Sydney to Hobart - 16 Jan 2024 – Lindsay May
The man who held the record for sailing the most consecutive Sydney-Hobart races has extended his amazing sequence. Highly regarded veteran navigator Lindsay May had sailed south in the great race for 50 successive years. Hear all about the 2023 Rolex Sydney Hobart from Lindsay on Tuesday Jan 16.
The meeting will be held at Piato Restaurant 123 Blues Point Road, McMahons Point at 7:00 am for 7:15 a.m. start. Breakfast is served during the talk.
Please respond if you want to attend as seating will be limited.
Ken Preshaw
North Sydney Sunrise Rotary Club internet - mobile - 0411.109.158

Music for the Heart
Sunday 21 January at 2pm at the Wollstonecraft Club
A concert of Guitars, Solos ad Ensembles
CLICK HERE.. for Bookings and more details
2024 markets start on January 20
Coal Loader Café Lease - Good news
The Coal Loader Café will re-open in mid-February.

Warm regards,
The Hub eNews Team
For more details and the full list of Hub activities please visit the Hub website
Also the Calendar at
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To respond to anything in this eNews, use links provided in the eNews or the message button below.

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Disclaimer:Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this eNews , The Waverton Hub Inc disclaims all liability (except for any liability which by law cannot be excluded), for any error, inaccuracy in, or omission from the information contained in this eNews or any loss or damage suffered by any person directly or indirectly through relying on this information.