Tem 2 Art Class - Drawing


From: Thursday June 13, 2024, 10:30 am

To: Thursday June 13, 2024, 1:30 pm

The Drawing class will be held in the Waverton Uniting Church Hall, 75 Bay Road.

This class will involve drawing and sketching, both indoors and outside.

The cost is $350 for the 10 week Term.

This drawing class will be led by Janine Matthews. Janine is a graduate of the National Art School and currently has work hanging in the local French bistro, Le Coq and Fish, Bay at 69 Bay Road, Waverton. More of her work can be seen on her website.

The development of drawing skills will focus on drawing from observation and will commence with the still life.

A variety of drawing media will be used including pencil, charcoal and chalk pastels. Drawing techniques, including studies in line, tone, perspective and composition, will be taught.

Please bring your preferred drawing materials to the first class with an A4 size sketchbook. Materials will be further discussed in class.

For more information email the Hub with Art Class - Drawing in the Subject



Waverton Hall

75 Bay Rd, Waverton NSW 2060

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