Other Hub Models


Here is some brief information about and links to other Hub models. Each community evolves a model to suit it.

Western Australia

Click to link to WA Hub

New Zealand

Several Hubs are being established in New Zealand

For more information click on NZ Hubs


Village to Village Network

In 2010, the Village to Village Network – a national organization that collaborates to maximize the growth, impact and sustainability of individual Villages and the Village Movement – was formed. The Network provides expert guidance, resources and support to help communities establish and maintain their Villages. The Village Movement started with Beacon Hill Village in Boston over 15 years ago and today there are over 200 open Villages and more than 150 in development in 45 states and the District of Columbia.

Click on Village to Village


Findings relating to Villages/ Hubs within an agency

Finding 2. Developing a Village within an agency may hold less promise than previously supposed: In 2012, almost a quarter of Villages were “agency-based,” meaning they were a unit or program within another organization; but by the start of 2016 that proportion was reduced to only 15%. Previous research has suggested that agency-based Villages may be distinct from freestanding models in many ways. For example, those that are part of social service agencies often serve a more diverse, disabled, and lower income population than freestanding Villages. They can also be more financially stable when they have more access to shared resources from the lead agency. Conversely, agency-based Villages can be less “consumer driven” and have a more top down approach to development and governing of the Villages. The reduction in agency-based Villages should be examined in future research.’

Finding 7.Villages are increasingly collaborating with outside organizations: In 2012, the average Village had a formal collaboration (with a contract or memorandum of understanding) with only about one organization. By 2016, that number increased to about six collaborations. These results indicate that Villages are becoming more integrated into the formal aging network in their communities and bolstering their services with those of outside agencies such as social service agencies, hospitals, and home health agencies that provide services outside the scope of what Villages typically provide

Successful within agency models- (Village to Village USA)

Avenidas Village - Palo Alto, CA - http://www.avenidas.org/village: Avenidas is a larger non-profit and the Village was started as an additional program

Thriving in Place - Celebration, FL - http://www.thecelebrationfoundation.org/thriving-in-place/: Thriving in Place is part of the Celebration Foundation

Brandywine Village Network - New Castle and Sussex Counties, DE - https://www.brandywinevillagenetwork.org/: Part of Jewish Family Services (social service agency)

Neighbor 4 Neighbor Network - Houston, TX - http://www.n4nn.org/: Also part of Jewish Family Services

Northwest Neighbors Connecting - Baltimore, MD - https://www.chaibaltimore.org/nnc: Part of CHAI a housing organization

Union County Neighbor to Neighbor - Marysville, OH - http://ucn2n.org/: Started with a lot of support from Interim Healthcare, not sure if they're still a part of them or not

Redwood Coast Village - Eureka, CA - http://www.redwoodcoastvillage.org/: Started by Area 1 Area Agency on Aging (Government funded social service agencies with services to older adults)

Click on 2016 NATIONAL SURVEY USA for the full report

Hub and spoke model

Hub and Spoke:A hub and spoke arrangement exists when several Villages share common services, typically the back office functions and/or marketing. Often this model arises when a single agency is involved in the formation of separate Villages. There is no single model for which functions are performed by the hub and which by the spokes. Each Village may be a separate corporate entity with its own board of directors, and provides its own services and programs that are usually open only to its own members. Dues levels in different spokes can be radically different; particularly when some of the Villages are all-volunteer and others have paid staff. One successful Hub and Spoke organization are the Marin Villages in Marin County, California. Each Village runs its own programs and offers services, but they are centrally administered. Here is a sample calendar for the Marin Villages. A related form of this type of organization arises when a single village feels the needs to form "neighbourhoods" or "clusters". In this variation, there is a single corporate entity, typically offering services to all members, but organizing some programs based on geographic locations. The motivation behind this variation is to increase the sense of community for members. However, this need usually occurs in mature Villages that have grown and are expanding their geographic reach, rather than in newly forming Villages.

 Click on Hub and Spoke to access there website.